Free services
Free Wi-Fi in the entire hotel with identification by phone number
You can always leave your belongings in the storage room, to do this you need to ask the hotel administrator
The administrator will call you a taxi to the necessary place and time of departure
There are coolers with cold and hot water on the 2-5th floors. A mug and saucer set is in every room
Smoking is prohibited on the entire territory of the hotel, according to Decree No. 15-FZ dated 23.02.2013
You can leave your car in the parking lot to the left of the hotel's main entrance. Pay attention to the road signs. The hotel is not responsible for the safety of cars
It works round the clock in self-service mode
You can always ask the administrator to wake you up at the time you need
The administrator will provide you with all the necessary information on excursions around the city and region, and if necessary, will sign you up for the excursions that you liked
Bed linen and towels are changed once every 3 days, room cleaning daily
Children under the age of 3 years old can be provided with a crib, if available at the time of arrival
Pay services
You can purchase souvenir products «Voentorg» at the front office
You can rent a robe for an extra cost. Rent is provided for the entire period of stay
There is a laundry room with a washing machine and ironing board with iron on the fifth floor of the hotel
You can always scan and print plane tickets and other documents as needed from the front office
There is a cafe on the first floor of the hotel, which is open from 07.30 to 21.00
If necessary, you can always buy an extra towel or order a change of linen. To do this, contact the hotel administrator